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Malty Coconut Cashew Milk {gf,v}

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

Yay- my first attempt at homemade plant based milk, and i'm 100% sold! I grew a cereal lover, and one of my favorite late night snacks is homemade granola with almond milk. But, I wanted to make my own milk from home because a lot of the time, sneaky ingredients are added in. Also- I wanted to develop a plant based with with a little flavor, without any sugar or artificial additives. This milk includes a nice flavor balance between coconut and cashew, and has a malty flavor, thanks to the maca powder. I also threw a date in their for a little sweetness, and a tad of pure vanilla. This recipe is super easy- all you need is a blender and you're all set! It adds the perfect flavor to cereal, homemade pancakes, smoothies, overnight oats, and lattes.



Prep time: 3 minutes Blend time: 2 minutes

Serving size: 6


1 can canned coconut milk

1tbs cashew butter

1 date

1/4tsp maca powder

1/2tsp pure vanilla

1c water


1. Scoop thick coconut cream from top of can and set aside.

2. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high for 2 minutes.

3. Add to a air tight jar and store in the fridge.


Be sure to shoot me an email with your feedback or message me on IG @wellnesswithmak, so I can see your beautiful recreations! I'd love to highlight them on my feed. Also, don't forget to follow me to stay up to date with new healthy, mouthwatering recipes, life updates, fitness routines, and all things wellness. I look forward to connecting with you!


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